Tips for Midsize Enterprise Leaders on the Benefits of Having a Devops Strategy for Their It

Rizwan Khan
September 8, 2023
3 min read

In this age, “every business is a software business,” which is becoming irrefutably true. Proper adaptation of DevOps in your organization can provide you with a competitive advantage. So, what is DevOps? DevOps is a contraction of “Development” and “Operations.” It signifies a move away from the old, siloed approach towards integrated, holistic teams that work on Development, IT, and Operations as one unit, each considering the needs and requirements of the others, to deliver business value to customers more quickly and reliably. DevOps is neither just a process nor is it all about the tools. DevOps is a culture—a philosophy that changes how different teams in a company work to achieve business goals.

According to Forrester, “DevOps will only move forward. If your organization wants to reap the benefits of DevOps — speed, agility, resilience — you need to focus on people, practices, and platforms.”

Following are some of the Key benefits of DevOps that can positively impact your business workflow to improve productivity, quality, speed, and cost.

  1. Teams Collaboration – DevOps increase collaboration between Development, Quality Assurance, and Operation teams and improve operational workflow for software delivery.
  2. Delivery Speed – DevOps accelerates the pace at which your business functions. The faster the software features and bug fixes are released, the quicker the business value is realized.
  3. Innovation Within – DevOps provides an environment for brainstorming innovative ideas, which, when implemented, will streamline operational workflows and add value to an organization.
  4. Customer Satisfaction – One of the core benefits of DevOps is enhanced customer experience—and customer satisfaction due to the dynamic feedback loop, which is part of the DevOps adoption.
  5. Agility – DevOps infuses agility by allowing flexibility to an organization when it comes to balancing its capacity due to demand fluctuations and continuously delivering features that bring customer value.
  6. Product Quality and Reliability – DevOps makes testing a critical component throughout the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which improves quality and service reliability.
  7. Software Security – DevOps integrate security via DevSecOps to track and detect security issues in the initial stages of development. It follows the philosophy of constant iterative improvements, making managing security much more manageable.
  8. Competitive Advantages – Quicker software releases, high-quality features, continuous feedback incorporation, and maximized ROI.
  9. Overall Cost Reduction – There are multiple ways through which DevOps cuts down the costs incurred in a business—either directly or indirectly, e.g., fewer network downtimes and reduction in software release costs.

A solid DevOps strategy and successful implementation can streamline your end-to-end delivery pipeline. It starts from the core software quality to including customer feedback loops to ensure your products meet customer requirements and expectations. DevOps can redefine your business’s operations and give your teams a competitive advantage. If you want more information, please do not hesitate to contact me at

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